Ep. 19 Enough About Inequality Already; Here’s the Truth

22 January 2016     |     Tom Woods     |     38

Krugman wonders how rich “we need” the rich to be. A strange question, but you know the answer: less rich than they are now. We’re then treated to a lecture on income inequality. We don’t like lectures.

Is this the best episode yet of Contra Krugman? Tom thinks so….

Krugman Column

Is Vast Inequality Necessary?” (January 15, 2016)

Contra Columns

Says the Left: We Were Rich and Awesome When Taxes Were Higher,” by Tom Woods
Pope Francis, Income Inequality, Poverty, and Capitalism,” by Nicolas Cachanosky
Shocking Quotes from Thomas Piketty,” Bob Murphy

Article Mentioned

Inequality and Recovery,” by Paul Krugman

Tax Data


Book Mentioned

Wealth, Poverty, and Politics: An International Perspective, by Thomas Sowell

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Event Mentioned

Mises Circle in Houston

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