The Lara-Murphy Report
The Lara-Murphy Report is a monthly financial publication written from the perspective of Austrian economics. Carlos Lara is a business workout specialist with decades of experience in consulting with business owners in financial distress. Robert Murphy is an economist with experience in academia, policy analysis, and the financial sector. Lara and Murphy are co-authors of the book How Privatized Banking Really Works, which combines Austrian analysis of money and banking with Nelson Nash’s “Infinite Banking Concept” (IBC).
Each issue of the LMR features articles from Lara and Murphy. Major themes include Fed policy, the banking and life insurance sectors, and cashflow management strategies for households and business owners. Each issue also includes an interview with an academic or financial professional who uses Austrian economics on the job. Past interviewees include Peter Schiff, David Stockman, Bob Higgs, Joe Salerno, and Larry Reed.
An annual subscription is only $120. Click here to subscribe.
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