Ep. 131 Trade and Tariffs, and Should We Fear a Strong Dollar?

23 March 2018     |     Tom Woods     |     3

Krugman says Trump is surrounded by people who are wrong on trade: first, the neo-mercantilists, who view trade as a zero-sum game of winners and losers, and second, “neo-goldbugs,” who favor a strong dollar and won’t concede the merits of a weak currency.

Krugman isn’t wrong about the neo-mercantilists, but he’s wrong about plenty else….

Krugman Column

Trump and Trade and Zombies” (March 19, 2018)

Contra Columns

“‘Do We Need a Weak Dollar?,” by Bob Murphy
Currency Wars,” by Bob Murphy

Episode Mentioned

Ep. 107 The Problems With Tax Reform

Interview with a Zombie


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