Ep. 121 We’ve Never Had a President Who…. Oh, Really?

12 January 2018     |     Tom Woods     |     4

Krugman hits a bunch of themes in this one, among them Alexander Hamilton, Russiagate, and the claim that no president ever acted on the desire to imprison his opponents. We restore a bit of perspective by glancing back at American history.

Krugman Column

The Worst and the Dumbest” (January 8, 2018)

Contra Columns

Episode 33: Carlos and Bob Read the Intel Report on Russian ‘Hacking’ (The Lara-Murphy Show)
He’s Good and Bad on Foreign Affairs, Good and Bad on the Economy,” by David R. Henderson
Protecting the Shaky Russia-gate Narrative,” by Robert Parry
Why did Flynn lie and why did Mueller charge him with lying?,” by Alan Dershowitz
The RussiaGate Witch-Hunt—The Deep State’s ‘Insurance Policy’,” by David Stockman

Debate Mentioned

Woods vs. Malice on Alexander Hamilton

Need More Episodes?

Tom and Bob have their own podcasts! Check out the Tom Woods Show and the Lara-Murphy Report.